08023157889 08035413334

Technology & Telecommunication (TT)


Technology & Telecommunication (TT)

As the Nigerian economy grows with increased globalisation of the nation, policies are created towards stronger regulation of the ICT industry generally. Thus, the issue of growing infrastructure as well as cross-border costs relating to software licencing becomes of greater interest to the tax authorities.

Similarly, the telecommunication industry in Nigeria can be described as constantly evolving with frequent trend changes, a tough competitive environment and high regulatory uncertainties.

For sustainability, the joint industry is expected to continually recreate on a platform of improved business structures and processes so as to successfully navigate an intense regulatory landscape.

musiliu asanike & co has vast experience working with companies within technology and telecommunication to deliver internal and external audits as well as design effective business structures and processes for efficient tax planning, management and compliance.

Companies within these sub-sectors include:

  • Technology (Microsoft Oracle, Samsung etc)
  • Telecommunication (MTN, Airtel, 9Mobile etc)

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    +234 802 3157 889
    +234 803 5413 334
    1 Agidi Road Alapere Ketu Lagos
    M - F: 8am - 5pm